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My Qualifications

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I first came into meditation and energy healing in 2012. By this point I had been battling with depression and anxiety for years and finding little relief from contemporary treatment. I had heard about meditation but had never attempted it because I didn't think I had the mind frame for it. As a last resort, I decided to give a meditation class a go - and my life changed for ever! Through meditation and eventually energy healing, I began to feel peaceful for the first time in years.


My mind and body began to heal and I felt alive again!

This got me interested to learn more about the power of our mind and energy to heal. So I qualified as a Reiki Healer and an Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner. 


When my son was diagnosed with Psoriasis and eczema, I began working with him through Emotional Freedom Technique and Reiki we saw his skin clear completely! Even his dermatologist was surprised. It reaffirmed to me how we all have the capacity to find our peace and heal.   


I eventually gave up my leadership role in Human Resources to transition into my current healing practice. Empowering people to find their peace and healing sits at the centre of my practice. My biggest joy comes from simplifying spirituality and wellbeing so we can integrate it into a busy lifestyle. I'm also ever so curious to explore the science behind ancient healing modalities and often research through neuroscience, quantum physics, biochemistry, psychology, the list is endless! 


In gratitude,








Reiki Master

Emotional Freedom Techniques Practitioner 

Certified in Energy medicine

Master in Labour law

Post graduate in business management (Human Resources Management)

Bachelor of Arts 


About Me

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